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[Stable] Collect Drug Record Numbers or MedicinalProd_Ids associated to one or more ATC classes.


get_atc_code(atc_sel, mp, thg_data, vigilyze = TRUE)



A named list of ATC codes. See Details.


A modified MP data.table. See mp_


A data.table. Correspondence between ATC codes and MedicinalProd_Id (usually, it is thg)


A logical. Should ATC classes be retrieved using the vigilyze style? See details


A named list of integers. DrecNos if vigilyze is set to TRUE, or MedicinalProd_Ids if vigilyze is set to FALSE.


get_atc_code() is an ID collector function. Provide atc_sel in the same way as d_sel in add_drug(), but remember to specify its method arg as MedicinalProd_Id if vigilyze is set to FALSE. Vigilyze style means all conditioning of drugs will be retrieved after requesting an ATC class (i.e., drugs are identified with their DrecNos), even if a specific conditioning is not present in the ATC class. This is the default behavior in vigilyze.


# ## Find codes associated with one or more atc classes

# First, define which atc you want to use

atc_sel <-
     rlang::list2(l03_j01 = c("L03AA", "J01CA"),
                  c09aa = c("C09AA")

# You can get DrecNos for you ATCs (if vigilyze is TRUE)

atc_drecno <-
  get_atc_code(atc_sel = atc_sel,
               mp = mp_,
               thg_data = thg_,
               vigilyze = TRUE)
#>  vigilyze set to TRUE, extracting DrecNos (?get_atc_code for details)

# Or you can get MedicinalProd_Ids (if vigilyze is FALSE)

atc_mpi <-
  get_atc_code(atc_sel = atc_sel,
               mp = mp_,
               thg_data = thg_,
               vigilyze = FALSE)
#>  vigilyze set to FALSE, extracting MedicinalProd_ids (?get_atc_code for details)