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Anonymized data from MedDRA, used to illustrate the package examples and vignettes. You can find term codes related to colitis, pneumonitis, hepatitis, a SMQ of embolisms. Compounds are meddra_, smq_list_, smq_content_ and smq_list_content_. Create dedicated .parquet files using tb_meddra(). See examples in get_llt_soc and get_llt_smq







meddra_ is a data.table with 15 variables and 677 rows.

  • The *_code columns. Integers. MedDRA code for the given term.

  • The *_name columns. Characters. The name of the term.

  • soc_abbrev Character. The abbreviation of the SOC.

  • null_field Logical. Empty column.

  • pt_soc_code Integer. The preferred term code of the SOC itself.

  • primary_soc_fg Character. Whether the SOC is primary for this code. "Y" or "N", Yes or No.

  • empty_col Logical. Empty column.

smq_list_ is a data.table with 9 variables and 11 rows. It is the list of SMQ.

  • smq_code Integer. The code of the SMQ.

  • smq_name Character. The name of the SMQ.

  • smq_level Integer. The hierarchical level of the SMQ.

  • smq_description Character. The description of the SMQ.

  • smq_source Character. The source of the SMQ.

  • smq_note Character. Additional note on the SMQ.

  • MedDRA_version Numeric. The version of MedDRA.

  • status Character. The status of the SMQ (active or not)

  • smq_algorithm Character. Whether the SMQ is algorithmic or not.

  • empty_col Logical. Empty column.

smq_content_ is a data.table with 9 variables and 3386 rows. It is the content of each SMQ.

  • smq_code Integer. The code of the SMQ.

  • term_code Integer. The low-level term code.

  • term_level Integer. The hierarchical level of the term.

  • term_scope Integer. The scope of the term (narrow 2 or broad 1)

  • term_category Character. In algorithmic SMQs, the category of the term.

  • term_weight Integer. The weight of the term (algorithmic SMQs).

  • term_status Integer. The status of the term (active or not)

  • term_addition_version Numeric. The version of the term addition.

  • term_last_modified_version Numeric. The last MedDRA version the term was modified.

  • empty_col Logical. Empty column.

smq_list_content_ is a data.table with 19 variables and 3386 rows. It is a fusion of smq_list and smq_content, as created with tb_meddra().

  • smq_code Integer. The code of the SMQ.

  • smq_name Character. The name of the SMQ.

  • smq_level Integer. The hierarchical level of the SMQ.

  • smq_description Character. The description of the SMQ.

  • smq_source Character. The source of the SMQ.

  • smq_note Character. Additional note on the SMQ.

  • MedDRA_version Numeric. The version of MedDRA.

  • status Character. The status of the SMQ (active or not)

  • smq_algorithm Character. Whether the SMQ is algorithmic or not.

  • empty_col.x Logical. Empty column.

  • term_code Integer. The low-level term code.

  • term_level Integer. The hierarchical level of the term.

  • term_scope Integer. The scope of the term (narrow 2 or broad 1)

  • term_category Character. In algorithmic SMQs, the category of the term.

  • term_weight Integer. The weight of the term (algorithmic SMQs).

  • term_status Integer. The status of the term (active or not)

  • term_addition_version Numeric. The version of the term addition.

  • term_last_modified_version Numeric. The last MedDRA version the term was modified.

  • empty_col.y Logical. Empty column.

An object of class data.table (inherits from data.frame) with 3386 rows and 19 columns.

An object of class data.table (inherits from data.frame) with 11 rows and 9 columns.

An object of class data.table (inherits from data.frame) with 3386 rows and 9 columns.




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